Friday, 29 August 2014

Reading Recommendation, Maria Beatriz

Even though I already have other synopsis and reading recommendations in store, this one, by Maria Beatriz, had been promised after this blogpost back in May in which I challenged you to read John Green's bestseller The Fault In Our Stars.
Summer holidays always provide a great reading opportunity, which has been well used not only by Maria but also by other boys and girls.
Unlike what we've done in the past, once we've been apart, there was no way I could possibly record her voice to enrich this presentation... but there is background music!
As always, Maria sent me her synopsis and some pics and I gave her my feedback. After that, I used the familiar Web 2.0 tool utellstory to put everything together.
Maria and myself hope you enjoy the result. Feedback is welcome - as are more reading recommendations by my outstanding students ;)

Monday, 25 August 2014


Well? Still enjoying a relaxing summer break? I only have a week left while you still have a fortnight. Slowly though we have to get used to the idea of getting ready for another (very creative) school year, with some new teachers and classmates. Excited? I am!
As you're wondering how, let's make learning as fun as going to the swimming pool or the beach with games and playful activities ;)
How about playing Hangman??? I've played it already for a while and it's quite addicting. Have a go!
Hope you enjoy playing |(not necessarily commenting ;)|

Sunday, 17 August 2014

CR7 CISSÉ - Holidays

The best vacations I've ever had!!
In these photos, I'm with my friends at the pool in a very hot day.
I hope to have other holidays as funny as these.
Enjoy these last weeks, my friends. Good holidays!

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Guess where!

I have also been enjoying some days off and following João's post, I've made a photo collage with 4 pics of the one thousand we took :)
The question is... where was I???
Other questions come up, though: How do you know? What info can you add about the place I've been to? Have you ever been there?
Below you have the collage but to listen and see what I've drawn, you'll have to click on the link below . Do listen and enjoy; I'll be waiting for your answers:

PS: Some time ago, I challenged you here to use Vine and those who had compatible Android versions shared their creative Vines here and here; why don't you try now Clarisketch, this free Android app?