Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Celebration of Love

Hey friends !!!!!
On February 13, there was a party organized by our Evangelic class in the context of love.
There was food, music and socializing. This was to celebrate the "S.Valentine's Day" which would be the following day.
In this party, we wanted to share true love, the love of Jesus, the one who went to the cross for us.
And ready, time for our party !!!!!
Our party was planned by teacher Sara Ramalho, but some other contributors were Carlos Correia, Raquel Correia, Samuel Cruz, Carla Andreia and Carla Patrícia.
When time came, we even had a musician and, as you can see, many visitors.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

To Our Joana

Joana has been having a tough year. She has been missing lessons to go to the doctor and, as you know, she has undergone a surgery recently.
However, she knows she can count on her awesome classmates for support and visits as well as on her teachers for any extra help she may need, right?
To let her know that, here are some nice messages recorded by classmates and myself:
By Diogo:
By Verónica:

By João C:

By myself:

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

A walk in Paris

***Notre Dame***

***Mairie de Paris***

***Tour Eiffel***

***Hotel du Louvre***

 Paris est Charlie
Nous sommes Charlie

Selfie with my cousin
   ***TOUR EIFFEL***

Tuesday, 17 February 2015


                                                            My carnival day          
On carnival day there was lunch for all the people of my village. Then there was a carnival parade with the election of the best mask. It was a fun day.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Carnival celebrations

The emergence of CARNIVAL ...

CARNIVAL appeared about 10,000 years before Christ when men, women and children would gather in the summer with masked faces and bodies painted to scare away the demons of poor harvest. These were the first carnival celebrations.

In the mid 600-520 before Christ, the Greeks practiced cult to the god Dionysus, in gratitude for soil fertility and production.

Already in Rome, a homage was made to the god Saturn; these feasts were so important that courts and schools closed their doors during the event.
The people left to the streets to dance and there were a lot of drinks, "allegorical floats" in ship format came out in the "avenue", with naked men and women. The euphoria was general. These were called the navalis carrum. Hence the carnavale expression, today carnival.

These parties were not accepted by the church, only with the passage of time has this celebration become accepted.
In Portugal, Carnival is known as Entrudo, a period before the Quaresma / Lent and that's how it was exported to Brazil, as entrudo. At this party people threw water, eggs and flour one another.

In countries like Italy and France, carnival was a parade through the streets, where people were using masks and costumes.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

The Coolest French Baptism

French baptisms must always
 have CHEESE!!!

 Typical weddings
 and baptisms desserts ("piece montée" )
 and the champagne!!!


Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Let's celebrate LOVE!

What is LOVE?
We usually associate LOVE with "a strong feeling of affection and concern for another person accompanied by sexual attraction" (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/love) therefore (and usually) between two people of different genders, a boy / girl, man / woman. However, LOVE is much, much more than that! A broader definition includes all who surround us, religious devotion, even our pets, our preferences - who and what we do care for.
Below is a tempting invitation to celebrate LOVE - in Portuguese, yes, but Carlos will hopefully translate it for us all in the meantime ;)
Following this very first beautiful act of kindness by a new teacher and her students, how about spreading LOVE and KINDNESS yourself?
Here is also an inspirational video:

Your Take Away:
"If you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own" - don't always take everything for granted...