Saturday, 22 November 2014


Whether in class or outdoors, we all like being in groups or belonging to a group - true?
Have a look at the following sequence of advertising clips by De Lijn, a Flemish transport company which runs almost 4000 buses and around 400 trams.

Now say...
1- How many clips are there?
2- What animals are included in each of the clips?
3- What situation is REALLY portrayed by the animal clips?
4- How does it apply to our classroom / classes / ourselves?
5- Are there any other videos you know of featuring this relevant issue you can share here?

Hope you have as much fun as I did :) Thank you!


  1. There are four clips.
    In the first appear penguins who help each other to the orca not eat.
    In the second when the formaiga master notices that a anteaters trying to eat one of the ants, it signal and the other will soon help.
    In the third not quite understand the idea of the fireflies.
    And in the last when a crab sees a seagull to approach gives signal and then come the other causing the seagull ran out of feathers.
    these clips shows that unity is strength.
    These situations estam present also in our classroom for example when a colleague can not answer the teacher asked others help you.
    This is the first clip I see so much inter help.
    This clip was quite fun. :)

  2. There are four clips. In thr first clip there are penguins and a wale, in the second one there are ants and an anteater, in the third one there are fireflies and in the last one there are crabs and a seagull. In the first two and last clips the animals are protecting one or more member(s) of the group from another animal. In the third clip the firefly that is alone realises that the group is able to see better, because they have more light. This means that we are stonger together and that we should help each other. I don't know any other video about this. I really liked the video, it was very fun! :D


  3. I saw four very funny clips about animals.
    In the first clip, we can see that the group dolphins, managed to unbalance the ice-berg, with the weight of all, making the giant whale clashes with the iceberg.
    In the second clip, the Pope ants is a victim of its own prey, an ant is harmless, but together we can form a shield of salvation and choked the giant ants pope.
    In the third clip, a firefly ventured alone and lost in the darkness, the conclusion would be best to follow in group, because there would be more light to go his way.
    Finally, once again the group's workforce saved a crab, which seemed doomed, the gull was torn when he received the "barbed wire camps."
    After seeing these clips, I think that we are stronger when we work together, exchange ideas and share knowledge. In the classroom, we should follow this example.

  4. There are 4 clips.
    In the first appear penguins help each other not to be eaten.
    In the second appear ants form a ball to help his girlfriend this to be eaten pir one anteaters.
    In the third there is a firefly who can not see where you're going and then sees one group with its lights all together prefeitamente can see where to go.
    In the fourth, when a seagull was preparing to eat a crab the your friends protect you.
    These clip mean that unity is strength.

  5. Well done, all of you!
    Let me try to summarise it now:
    All 4 clips involve animals: penguins and a whale; ants and an anteater; fireflies and, finally, crabs and a seagull. While in three of the clips the animals (penguins, ants and crabs) work together to protect the weakest or defenseless ones, the clip with the fireflies shows us that together there will be more light along the way and we won't get lost...
    In common the four clips show us that unity is strength and at school, we should follow this example: we all become stronger, feel more confident and protected when together, when working in a group, as a team. Here we can exchange ideas and share knowledge by working collaboratively. It's indeed a win-win situation :)
