Saturday, 4 April 2015

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, y'all!!!

Embedded below is a short video about  Easter and Passover. Especially designed for English learners, you can click on it for vocabulary, for repetition, for subtitles... or quite simply watch it and enjoy!


  1. The video is very interesting. I stayed to know Where did the word Easter, and the relation of Easter eggs with the resurrection of Christ.
    Moreover, it is a great way to learn vocabulary.

  2. Sorry, but for me the Easter isn't a rabbit that lays eggs, but the DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS. Now that's the real Easter. And if there is someone who doesn't believe, it is better don't celebrate. It's amazing how the world turns the celebration of the greatest miracle in the world, a rabbit that lays eggs.

    1. Right, Carlos, thanks for reminding us of that.
      The Easter rabbit and the coloured eggs are NOT to be found in the Bible, but are cherished associations especially for children - and what's wrong with that? They are typical in springtime and are symbols of fertility and new life, new life for Christ, too, who resurrects. Don't take it too far or serious, Carlos, it's definitely not the goal :)
