Tuesday 1 July 2014

Summer Reading Suggestions

This is not the first time that students recommend books to their peers - indeed, I would like to make it common practice once I believe we can all benefit from that.
Following Joana, Maria Beatriz, Verónica... now we have a group of more readers suggesting books for the summer.
Hope you enjoy your classmates' reading tips and follow their example ;)
Do READ and ENJOY your summer holidays!


  1. These books are great suggestions because they spoke about adventure and action, furthermore some are histories dramatic.

    Good reads.

    1. Exactly, João, here you have great tips by boys and girls about your age.
      Now, let me take advantage of your comment to clarify the difference between HISTORY and STORY, words that are commonly confused:
      History = REAL events that happened in the past: Story = FICTIONAL events. Easy, right? So, above, why not something like "...furthermore, some stories are dramatic."?
