Monday 18 January 2016


Today's Doodle (USA)
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (officially Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.) is an American federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around King's birthday, January 15. Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day is no long-standing tradition. The holiday is a little more than three decades old, but the proposition that the date should become a holiday dates back to his assassination in 1968.
MLK in 1964

Today's doodle honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister, community activist, philosopher and humanitarian. His leadership of the American Civil Rights movement, Nobel Peace Prize for non-violent civil disobedience in the face of racial injustice, and eventual martyrdom for the cause, cements his place as a hero for peace and justice worldwide. 

One of his most powerful tools was his ability to communicate poignant truths in beautiful and moving speeches, which guest artist Richie Pope highlighted in this doodle today. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. moved the USA forward by committing to bettering the lives of American citizens, no matter their race. He told everyone, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." Today we're inspired to keep working towards a better future with grace and optimism.


  1. Luther King Junior , one of the greatest personalities in the history of humanity. He fought against racial inequality through speeches and protests.
    He was not only a defender of the rights of blacks , but also defended the reputation of women.

    I researched some memorable phrases of Martin Luther King

    "What worries me is not the cry of the poor . It is the silence of good men . "

    " Very little is needed to fully transform a life : love in your heart and smile on his face ".

    "I am also a victim of deferred dreams, of hopes torn , but despite that, I still have a dream , because we can not give up on life ."

    " Who accepts evil without protesting , really cooperating with it ."

    Very beautiful and always current .

    1. Indeed, João, beautiful, wise and updated quotes the ones you chose. Thanks for sharing them with us.
