Sunday 24 April 2016

George Stubbs

I will talk about this painter because during his life George Stubbs became known as a painter of animals, and I like animals. Also, I have some illustrations of this painter that I really appreciate.
Born in 1724 in Liverpool, it was there that he first started practicing as a portraitist. In 1759 he settled in London and died in 1806 in this city.

The following illustration depicts the greatest wildlife picture painted by Stubbs. The painting was made to commemorate the donation of a cheetah to George III of the United Kingdom by the Madras English Governor, Sir George Pigot.

Stubbs was one of the greatest painters of horses of all times, as well as one of the best English artists. He studied anatomy which certainly allowed him to have a lot of knowledge about horse anatomy. His work is lyrical and transcends the naturalism.

1 comment:

  1. Hi João,
    I'm definitely more into classic paintings and art and you've introduced a great painter. However, take the chance to read and comment your classmates' posts once they've shared very good examples of modern art and artists.
